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Shoulder Bursitis

Bones, Joints & Muscles | Last Active: Jan 19, 2022 | Replies (31)

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When I had shoulder bursitis years ago I ended up with a frozen shoulder, the doctor then gave me a cortisone injection in the shoulder. I did do some physical therapy but mostly it just took time to heal, a year. Since then I’ve had no trouble with it. Warmth can make it feel better, ice it in the first 48 hours but you are past that time already. Ibuprofen reduces inflammation but I would check first with your doctor as it may not be advisable under certain circumstances. Gentle exercise can be done, this is where physical therapy can be helpful, to make sure you don’t further aggravate it.
I hope you are able to get the help you need, sometimes persistence pays off.

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Replies to "When I had shoulder bursitis years ago I ended up with a frozen shoulder, the doctor..."

Thank you very much for your very nice remarks. I apologize for sending these remarks to you now, but I just have not felt like doing anything because of this Bursitis. My Dr. prescribed Lyrica for nerve pain and some physical therapy. I use a rubber band a number of times per day and it really hurts. The Lyrica is now helping me to some extent, but my muscle pain is so bad and the muscle is like jelly. I guess may the muscle has deteriorated because of I wasn't using it because of the Bursitis. Do you think this is possible?