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Let's Talk about Gardens

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: May 26, 2024 | Replies (488)

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@gingerw, Beautiful photo of your blooming cherry trees! We don't have cherry but other fruit trees are in bloom here.

I so regret that back issues have placed you in the mostly "observer" status for at least this year! Due to a previous back injury, whenever my back royally flares up, it is all I can do to sit long enough to observe anything.

When I retired, people said I'd become bored. I promised myself after having to serve on too many boards and as a community volunteer that I would not join any group for one year. After 3 yrs of gleeful "abstinence", I agreed to vol. only if I could choose when and how much. Most want a commitment to a "schedule" and that wasn't going to happen for me.

Flower gardening became my passion at retirement and it has become the most rewarding, creative and challenging pursuit....ok...obsession !!! of my later years. Yes, several yrs ago, I joined an internet gardening and seed sharing group. Made some lovely friends, whom I still corrspd with and exchanged seeds with tons of people. Until I had so many little pkgs of seeds I realized they could never all be sown. Smiles

Our arboretum has an annual plant sale so I contribute to that as well as two ele. schools who have developed on-site gardens. I can vol. as I wish for both as well as for our Friends of Library and food bank without having a set schedule. Perfect for me.

In my residential area, there are no deer but we do have occs'l opossums, plenty of squirrels and most bedeviling of all, both slugs and snails.

One yr after hours of planting 18 tulips among the tree roots...what a job!...squirrels dug up each of the tulips and each had one large bite taken out of the bulbs...I was ready for WAR! lol Like deer they don't attack other spring/summer bulbs but other plants are fair game. I learned to wrap the tulip bulbs in brillo pads and/or dog fur and now have successful tulips in others beds, both front and back.

I know many enjoy house plants and maybe that might work for you? My indoor lighting isn't good and very few survive more than one season in my home.

My daughter called yesterday morning. We talk frequently but usually as she waiting for one of the grandsons to come out from some sporting practice. Sheer luck had driven me inside for a glass of tea and so I caught the phone.

She said, Mom, I got a call from your area code a bit ago and knew it wasn't you. Turned out to be from a rather panicky lung scan scheduler telling her she couldn't reach me and that the pulmonologist needed that scan done that day before my Monday apptmn't.

Daughter laughingly told her I didn't "do" cell phones and all who knew me also knew not to call before heat drove me inside from my yard at mid-afternoon! At 11 am, I reached the scheduler who asked if I could get the scan by 11:30; otherwise would have to cancel and reschedule the Mon. apptmnt'.

Luckily (for all concerned lol) I'd showered/shampooed the night bef. so was 90% clean, minus fingernails, and was able to change clothes and make the scan.

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Replies to "@gingerw, Beautiful photo of your blooming cherry trees! We don't have cherry but other fruit trees..."

@fiesty76 What a great message. So newsy and you....I love hearing about your activities....you got your scan!
Hope all is ok.

You and I are both trouble makers, I think. The younger generations don't understand about me and my cell relationship. I enjoy it now that I spent hours, days working to set it up and learn how to use it. Sort of....But, it's not attached to my hip, don't keep it with me all day, mostly when I go out. I still have a land-line. That phone I answer. not the cell. although, the scam calls are a very real problem. my blocked calls in the phone is full! can't block anymore, so now have to learn how to clear it out to add new ones....I want those folks to leave me alone!

I love the thought of a climbing aloe! Never heard of it. Wish we were neighbors...I'd take it right now.

Those squirrels are nasty buggers. I'd be a wild woman if they ate my bulbs! Wild!!!! I love watching them eat all my wild bird seed, hanging upside down by their toes on the side of the feeders. But, I got the seed w/ground chili peppers. They hate it! it burns their mouths. So, squirrels are eating the seed with nuts and fruits the cardinals and woodpeckers and others all love. I don't have a feeder they can navigate anymore. They have to feed on the ground, dropped seed. I want to help them out, but can't afford to keep them happy, so, they eat dropped.

I just now, about a week from when I put it out, am seeing birds eating the spicy seed so I'm happy...they like it. I also got a feeder designed to drop down and cover the seed openings if anything heavier than my birds lands on the perch. I actually saw it work. No squirrels there now & I put out peanut suet balls thanks to John Bishop. Took them a few days, but now the birds are loving it! And, have seed/suet cakes and wire holder for my woodpeckers. Have a hummingbird feeder up now...can't wait to watch them find it and have fun! Used to have a hummingbird bush, yesterday/today/tomorrow......birds covered it every dusk. It died and I haven't done much for the tiny babes since. This will be a good addition.....

Now, I think I'm through adding feeders and bird stuff. I'm focusing on plants....need to repot, plant and clean-up now, more. My 'boys' are coming over in a few days to help. Goody!!!!!

I'm loving this, my friends. It's so fun, invigorating and satisfying to have the birds feed at the window feeder, all the others . They are full of energy and joy and give me great joy! And, of course, the beauty or the garden....It makes life so better, doesn't it? Such a good thing for us! I rarely think about health issues now. Love it! But, at the same time, I'm remembering my father's favorite reminder, from the Bible.....'everything in moderation'. So right. Then we have a more even life. our bodies learn to relax a bit, to live w/o the pain, as much. Getting there, friends.

Happy day and many blessings. elizabeth