Side Effects of Shingles Vaccine

Posted by ssbionicknee @ssbionicknee, Sep 20, 2018

I got the flu shot and the new shingles vaccination 3 days ago. Today I started feeling sick to my stomach. I've never had a reaction to the flu shot and was wondering if anyone else felt sick after getting the shingles vaccine?

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@bren65 I'm sorry your having this affect from your inj. I would talk with your Dr but feel its because as you suggested from your low weight Can you keep stuff down if so try the fattening drinks milkshakes, smoothies and ice cream in any form if you can't eat This to will pass but will take longer for you probably Some of these symptoms are the antibodies building in your system but regardless of my input see your Dr asap.

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I already eat high calorie and ensure and nothing will help me gain weight. Thanks to my reaction to my injections I lost another pound. I am feeling better today though. I had breakfast, I took aleve for the pain and used an ice pack. The pain in my arms are less but are still sore. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be a lot better. Thanks for the input.


@bren65 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, a place to give and get support.

I'm sorry to hear about your health issues and symptoms.

Members karinaph @lioness @embwbam @ricke @rmashaal @mwsa1945 have experience discussing this topic in the past and may be able to help support you.

I have heard of many other people having reactions similar to yours. Due to your recent hospitalization and low weight, have you considered contacting your primary care to ask for guidance regarding your vaccine reaction?

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I am going to give it another day. It is better than yesterday so I’ll see how it goes. Thanks though.


My husband & I got the second singles shot & pneumonia shot 3 days ago. My husband had only a sore arms at the injection site. For the corona Virus vaccine he had body aches for 2 days. I only had sore arms at the injection site. No flu side effects for either of us. My vaccine side effects from the shingles & pneumonia shot was unexpected as I’ve had both before with out any side effects. Towards the end of the 1st day my arms were very sore. They hurt severely & I got very little sleep that night. The 2nd day I got up and went downstairs managed to sit up for a few hours but felt like I had the flu. Nausea, fatigue, body aches, low grade fever and disorientation. I went back to bed and slept for 8 hours straight. When I woke at 8pm I wish I’d stayed asleep. My arms were still uncomfortably painful and I had no appetite since I got the shot. I had a muffin the morning the day after I got the shot and when I woke up 8 hours later still had no appetite. I forced myself to have some toast as my weight since being in the hospital last year for 65 days for pneumonia I’m at 73 lbs so eating is mandatory. I wonder if my low weight had anything to do with it. I slept badly last night because of the pain in my arms. It’s the 3rd day and my arms are still painful so I took 1 aleve and put a cold pack on my arm that was most painful. I don’t feel any different since. So I’ll take another aleve. I still have no appetite and fatigue and headache. I am hoping it won’t last too much longer.

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@bren65 Sounds like you got all the “flu like” symptoms after your shot. Has your doctor given you any advice!


I already eat high calorie and ensure and nothing will help me gain weight. Thanks to my reaction to my injections I lost another pound. I am feeling better today though. I had breakfast, I took aleve for the pain and used an ice pack. The pain in my arms are less but are still sore. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be a lot better. Thanks for the input.

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@bren65 I'm glad to hear this yes ice works wonders and taking Aleve your doing the right thing just take time my arm was sore but my weight is twice
yours so i had no problems It was probably due to your weight You,ll be fine in a couple of days but if it gets worse see your Dr


@bren65 Sounds like you got all the “flu like” symptoms after your shot. Has your doctor given you any advice!

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No I didn’t really think I’d talk to them until tomorrow as it usually takes 3 days for side effects to subside. If by tomorrow I’m not all better I’ll call tomorrow.


@bren65 I'm glad to hear this yes ice works wonders and taking Aleve your doing the right thing just take time my arm was sore but my weight is twice
yours so i had no problems It was probably due to your weight You,ll be fine in a couple of days but if it gets worse see your Dr

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Thanks for your input.


Thank you for your information. Can you share the resources in the UK? I’d love to dig deeper. I too became convinced that the shingrix vaccine was responsible for my PMR, before I knew I had PMR, I just knew my disabilities ensued after the shot( second). It took 3-4 months before I received the PMR diagnosis, differtial.. based on my response to the prednisone not my bloodwork per se, as I didn’t have classic sec rates etc, though my other immune markets were out of wack. I’m planning to get the Pfizer vaccine, as it does not have an adjuvant, it is mobilized by a lipid envelope, inert. Your thoughts?

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I will NEVER get any vaccine again.
My stem cell doc said the damage that was done to my nerves may take years to be back to the place I was before the vaccine. GSK is criminal in their actions( lack of response post my reporting and Lawyer
Beware of the minions that post
comments .


I had my second shot of the shingles vaccine and had fever for two days and lot of pain in my arm and area of the shit is swollen and very red and it hurt to the touch and feels hot


I had shingles after my stem cell transplant and was sick enough to spend a week in the hospital and then was on IV meds for another two weeks. It was a very painful experience. I had to repeat all my vaccinations after the transplant and eventually got shingles vaccine. I had sore arm etc. I got shingles 6 months later. It was a very mild case compared to the first one. It was definitely worth getting the vaccine!


I had my second shot of the shingles vaccine and had fever for two days and lot of pain in my arm and area of the shit is swollen and very red and it hurt to the touch and feels hot

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That’s a pretty normal reaction. Have you tried using an ice pack on the area? That works to reduce the swelling. Are you able to take Tylenol? This will go away in a day or so.

Because I lost all of my immunity with my stem cell transplant, I’ve had 29 vaccines in the course of a year, not including my covid and flu shots. So this reaction to most any vaccine is normal. Hah you should have seen my arms. Looked like someone pummeled me with baseball bats. But you really don’t want to get shingles if it can be prevented with the vaccine. So hang in there, your arm will fell better soon.
Try the ice pack.

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