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Urine smell

Women's Health | Last Active: Apr 9, 2021 | Replies (5)

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Can I suggest a Pudendal Neuralgia - this could be the cause.
I recently had a pungent urinary smell and went to ER for an antibiotic, suspecting a UTI.
I landed up with an ultrasound which showed a biliary stricture and seriously backed up bile in the gall bladder. No stones, no jaundice, no symptoms. Gall bladder removed by an untrained surgeon who irritated the pudendal nerves on endoscopic intervention.
It was hell, unbearable and had to be stented by a biliary specialist. The stricture was dealt with and the pudendal neuralgia settled within a month. I refused a pudendal block at the time. Look into a biliary cause it further ---- the body is such a complicated but integral, machine-
Intestitial cystitis ? Pudendal Neuralgia - very probably, all was linked to the smelly urine.

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Replies to "Can I suggest a Pudendal Neuralgia - this could be the cause. I recently had a..."

@friederike19, interesting that you should mention pudendal neuralgia as a possible cause for strong smell in urine. I hope that @mmoss sees your post. Just a couple of days after posting this discussion, she posted this in the pudendal neuralgia discussion https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/49456/

Friederike, has everything resolved for you now?