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Unmanaged Pain

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Oct 4, 2022 | Replies (44)

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Elizabeth, thank you for sharing your story. It is hard enough when you are in pain but your son's suffering must be incredibly difficult for you. I am fairly new to this chronic pain condition. Started with terrible burning pain in my throat and has since begun in the tongue and mouth. So frightened that I am looking at Burning Mouth Syndrome. It is so rare as to only affect 1 to 2 % of the population. Difficult to treat with no known cure. Life-long pain is a truly devastating diagnosis that we all handle differently. Some of us are frightened, some depressed, others angry, while others are in denial and constantly searching for the cure. High anxiety plague most of us. Life is hard enough for some and this makes it almost impossible. I am so glad that you have found what works for you. Prayers for your continued wellness.

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Replies to "Elizabeth, thank you for sharing your story. It is hard enough when you are in pain..."

@annie2 Hello, Annie. What you're describing sounds absolutely horrid. I'm so sorry you're having to endure such pain. What specialists are you seeing for this? Have they definitively diagnosed it as Burning Mouth Syndrome? Have you been to a teaching hospital or large clinic like Cleveland Clinic, one of the large state University Hospitals or Mayo? Boston? Don't know where you live, but some help from one of the large centers would be in order? Possible?

You mentioned this pain in your throat began with unresponsive Gerd. How long have you had Gerd? I also have it, but certainly not anything like your situation. I do go to Mayo Clinic Florida for all my care pretty much, except PCP. Best decision ever! The gastro doctors are treating me now for long-term Gerd. There are several medication routes they can take to get better results depending on the endoscopy findings.

When was your last endoscopy? Anything found there, like Barrett's or Schatzi Ring or polyps or inflammation? Liver bile reflux? I'm holding you in my prayers tonight and forward. Hopefully, if you haven't been for further testing w/serious specialists you will consider it. We must be proactive in our own care. It's in our control to get to someone who can and will help and who can help find answers-from true experts.

Blessings, Annie. I pray your pain will ease and you find peace. elizabeth