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Three Level Lumbar Spine Fusion

Spine Health | Last Active: May 10, 2017 | Replies (23)

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I had a 2 level L5 L4 fusion done i had back surgery 12 years ago for a herniated disc, 2 years ago was my fusion. My low back and right leg still have considerable pain if i'm not on pain meds. I have tried everything besides narcotics and nothing works. I have been on Fentynal patch 25mcg for 6 months now. I want to know how many people are on pain meds after spinal fusion but i can't find any percent anywhere?

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Replies to "I had a 2 level L5 L4 fusion done i had back surgery 12 years ago..."

I am doing great. I need only tylenol if headache. I understand your concern! There is hope! I promise!!! Your patch is a narcotic.

Hi Susansman,

I read your January 17, 2012 post about your fusion from 12 years prior and on Fentynal patches. I found that every 10 years the next level disc wears out due to the friction from the two fused bones - as you move, etc. After long research of my 12 year mark after double level fusion surgery (now 32 year of pain) my research found that an "artificial disc" was the best solution. I flew to Barcelona to a world neurosurgeon to have the *Spinal Kinetics M6-L implanted on top of my L4-L5 L5-S1 fusion at level L3-L4. This was in December 2016 and I am fantastic. I paid $29k and am trying to get reimbursement from insurance. I see that Mayo offers an artificial disc, according to the posting by another patient. My point is, the right decision was what I refer to as one of the top ten best decisions I made in my life.

I am attempting to find out if you went to Mayo and elected an artificial disc? If so, what brand/model? How are you doing, meds, etc.

I appreciate your consideration to respond. To be clear, I am asking so I have a place in the US to refer people to. Many wont do what I did.

Best regards.

Jim Peterson - Chicago

@jrchicago Hi Jim and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm so glad that you found this website and that you have shared your story about your journey to get help. I admire how proactive you have been in order to feel better! I'll be interested to hear from others who have had the artificial disc and see what is being said about it. Here is a Mayo website http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/back-pain/expert-answers/disk-replacement/faq-20057995 where this disc replacement is briefly discussed. Dr. Paul M. Huddleston, III, who wrote this article, seems well known in orthopedic care, here is his website, http://www.mayoclinic.org/biographies/huddleston-paul-m-iii-m-d/bio-20053564. Glad to hear that you are feeling better with your new disc, Jim. Keep in touch with Mayo Connect, I think you will find the support here very beneficial and you will undoubtedly have much to offer to the discussions as well. Teresa