Dr. Joseph Dearani, Chair, Cardiovascular Surgery, and Dr. Juan Crestanello, cardiovascular surgeon, talk about heart valve disease and surgical options.
Learn more about:
- How heart valve disease is treated.
- When to consider surgery.
- The latest technology used for repair.
Hi, @momoffive. Here is a response from our experts: I would ask your doctor for advice on this topic. If the cyst is growing, it may be advisable to remove. But again, we cannot give individual patient advise without having seen the patient or his/her studies.
Hi, @bjanderson. Here is a response from our experts: In general patients with tricuspid valve disease have more advanced cardiac disease and as such their surgical risk is higher. In addition, patients are often referred too late for tricuspid surgery. When a referral is earlier before advanced heart failure is present, results are improved.
Thanks for responding.
What is the expected outcome for tricuspid surgery if the patient is not referred too late and has no advanced cardiac disease?
both aortic and mitril stenosis . repair or replace both at once .
Do these issues relate to a Coronary Artery Calcium score?
If so, would taking K2 (MQ7) reduce or (eventually) eliminate the buildup of calcium?
P.s. Sorry if this is the wrong place (if not, then where?) to query CAC information related to K2! I'm a 71 year old male, 6'4" at ~ 220lbs with a CAC of just over 1000...and REALLY hoping there is a way to drop that score!
(cross posting this in other topics)
I had an ablation 4 months ago, with a CT-scan and echo cardiogram just prior. Now because of increased PVC load as well as a couple instances of of atrial tachycardia, my EP wants to do a cardiac MRI. Have others here had this procedure? What might he be looking for?