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Mentor Teleconference - October 30, 2018 | 5pm CT Event Date: October 30, 2018 | 5:00pm - 6:30pm CT

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@johnbishop It was the aircraft carrier Yorktown. It was impressive despite its age, and it was huge! I can't begin to remember how many flights of stairs we went up and down.
There was also a warship there but we couldn't find the name of it. That was much smaller and less impressive but it had a video that we watched simulating a possible attack, and then the submarines coming in our direction turned around.
There was also a small area devoted to the Vietnam experience but that was not really that impressive. It was unseasonably hot there, up to 90 degrees, and sunny, so we both ended up buying hats to shield our faces a bit.

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Replies to "@johnbishop It was the aircraft carrier Yorktown. It was impressive despite its age, and it was..."

The ship I was on USS McKean DDR-784 did plane operations with her back in the 60s. Just happy we didn't have to pick up a downed pilot. They are magnificent sliding through the water when they turn into the wind to launch aircraft. Fun for the guys on the destroyers escorting them, work for the guys on the carrier.