Dr. Angela Mattke, pediatrician, Erin Kieley, pediatric physical therapist, and Dr. Candace Granberg, pediatric urologist, talk about bowel and bladder dysfunction in children.
Learn more about:
- Prolonged bed-wetting
- Incontinence
- Constipation
7 y/o girl wets herself during the day fairly consistently, seems to have few body cues (e.g. recognizing when she needs to urinate, recognizing when she is hungry), wears a diaper to bed b/c doesn't wake up at all to use the bed a night, and is behind on reading at school, though exceeds school's recommendations for listening to others reading out loud and other auditory literacy activities. Parent has asked who she should ask for help - what kind of doctor, specialist, or program might help understand the range of needs this girl has?
Is bed wetting 1-2/month typical at 8 years old? If not, what can be done to help?
So much incontinence in a 7 year old is not normal. There could be many causes. My advice would be to first see pediatrician who can do exam and initial testing. She might be referred to a pediatric urologist. As far as I know she can get normal function again.
It is fairly common for a boy to have rare bed wetting. Sometimes they sleep very deeply and don’t register that they have to go. You can limit liquids close to bedtime and make sure he goes to bathroom before bed.
10 yr old granddaughter has chronic constipation, and can't control bladder during night. Has been on Miralax for many years, but her parents aren't always consistent with use. Looking for answers.
My son is 6 years old and has never had a dry night.. He has to wear a product every night and often will leak through his pull up/ diaper. I have three other boys and two of them had bed wetting issues in older childhood but not this bad. Any suggestions?
I had the same issue when I was young, for quite a while but I was born with reflux. Has he been to see the urologist?
About 95% of our trouble can be traced to the food we eat, the rest is inherited and side effects from other issues, and kids very rarely eat well. I don't know if thats the problem but I know I worry about my grandkids because the eat way too much sugar .
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