Thank you everyone who could join today's teleconference. The slides are attached.
Here is a link to the recording for those who couldn't make it.
1. You will all receive an invitation to the Mentor Meetup by email later today.
In the email, please respond to the questionnaire.
I will send registration details for those who can make it in person. Virtual participation is also available. Those details will be shared at a later date.
2. Mentor Meetup ideas
a) Share resources that are available to Mentors
b) How to navigate Connect and use it better
c) Brainstorm how Connect could be improved, work better
d) Guidance on how to handle corrupt practices, poor recommendations, people suggesting use of complementary and alternative medicines.
-- What are the ethics involved in a mentor response?
-- Recognizing biases, and how to course correct?
-- What to do when people talk about things you're not comfortable with?
e) Invite Mayo Clinic staff to talk about specific topics. Topic suggestions included:
-- Patient librarian - how to find resources
-- Integrative Medicine
-- Regenerative Medicine (Stem cells)
f) Team building exercise - @gailb will start a new thread about this.
g) Tour of Mayo Clinic
It was good hearing from everybody. I was grateful to learn a few more tips on how to use our Connect site more efficiently.