Dr. Joyce Balls-Berry, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, and Dr. Elizabeth Stewart, Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology, discuss and answer questions about uterine fibroids.
Learn more about:
- Causes
- Treatments
- Current and ongoing research
Dr. Balls-Berry and Dr. Stewart answered questions following the live event.
Hi @ncross16. Dr. Stewart addresses various treatment options for uterine fibroids during the Facebook Live broadcast, which is posted above. I hope you had the opportunity to watch the broadcast!
Hi @pbeach. Dr. Stewart provided this response to your question: "The same fibroids do not return after removal, but new ones can form. That is one limitation to all alternatives to hysterectomy. It is worth seeing your provider to see if the fibroids return or perhaps now there is a separate reason for your bleeding."
Hi, @saoirse. Dr. Stewart provided this response: "The process for new drug approval tends to be slower in the US than the rest of the world. The FDA tends to want more data and that doesn’t necessarily indicate there is a problem."
Hi, @kurgle. Dr. Stewart provided this response to your question: "Unfortunately, there is no research being done on any enzymes or enzyme inhibitors for fibroids. I think this is something that would be very helpful to women. I’d recommend that you see your health care provider to check an ultrasound and your hormones to see what’s happening. That’s an important first step since sometimes it’s not the fibroids that are the problem."
Hello Dr. Stewart:I don't have a doctor that I can see. I have only medicaid and medicaid won't pay pay for alternative treatments. If there are any clinical trials I'd like to be kept in mind. I don't suppose that you will. There was one other thing. Why hasn't anyone thought of using nano technology, very small instruments to break down the fibroids and such them out, as you would using liposuction?
I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids several months ago, what I didn't know was that the pelvic pressure and pain I have been dealing with for the last two years, was in fact uterine fibroid pain. I was given two options deal with the abnormal bleeding and Pain for the next 10 aka until menopause. Or have a partial hysterectomy. Some days the pain is so bad that I can not stand for long than 15 minutes at a time
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