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Webinar: Weight Loss: 5 Behavioral Strategies for Success Event Date: August 18, 2015 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET

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Hi Mayo!

Could you please suggest some healthy snacks that don't add too many calories. I'm a journalist in DC and seem to need something crunchy or munchy to get my stories written. Carrots don't do it for me. I'm looking for a healthy carb perhaps--something without sugar but tasty.Many thanks in advance!

All best,
Ellen James Martin
Washington News Service

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Replies to "Hi Mayo! Could you please suggest some healthy snacks that don't add too many calories. I'm..."

Thank you for your question and participation. Here are a few articles about healthy snacks that might be helpful: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/recipes/snack-recipes/rcs-20077251