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Thankyou for that valuable info, @gardening junkie. (love that handle!)
I'll definitely look into this, and the cilantro option sounds promising.

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Replies to "Thankyou for that valuable info, @gardening junkie. (love that handle!) I'll definitely look into this, and..."

My father was living in a wonderful senior residence that served good good meals with lots of cooked veggies, yet many days he simply wasn't interested in eating because his appetite was low and he had lost most of his sense of taste years earlier. He would never cook or prepare meals himself in his last few years. He had a cute small one bedroom apartment with kitchenette with small stove and refrigerator so he could have cooked his own meals or made his own smoothies from foods we would stock, yet that wasn't going to happen. He didn't mind opening a can of Ensure or a generic equivalent when eating at mealtime was a bother to him. We kept a case of these canned drink nutritional food supplements stocked in his room for him.