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I used to be very active,gym 3 times a week working as a Psych nurse with non ambulant patients full time which by the way has wrecked my back, and fast walking as many times a week as I could get in. After thumb surgery for osteoarthritis I lost 30% of my grip and it didn't go well on my dominant hand, I still get shooting pain.So all that has made it difficult to go to the gym. I have knee pain now although a knee sleeve does help but the arthritis in my back is the worse so my get up and go has got up and gone. Once I am out of the house I love to walk but my motivation has left me I find I will make excuses to myself to not leave the house. I'm going to be 67yrs old soon and I feel I am just sitting watching TV waiting to die. I should know better and as a retired Psych nurse I should practice what I used to preach about getting out and exercising but I just get get motivated. I think I need a live in trainer.Any advice ?

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Replies to "I used to be very active,gym 3 times a week working as a Psych nurse with..."

Motivation comes from within. No external source, no guilt, no membership, no community can replace your own determination. Please think outside of yourself and focus your health investment around those for whom your absence would be painful. And do not try to get back to what you were yesterday in one day. Have a reasonable goal in a reasonable timeframe. Make a plan and do one small thing everyday. And then change the plan to do just a little more. Assess your progress. Change your timeline if necessary but do not change the goal. You can get there tomorrow...just not today.

@anniebrook, that must be tough to accept that you have to listen to yourself, i.e., practice what you've preached to so many. But you counseled people well and know what is needed. I agree with @scottij that motivation comes from within. I would also add a strong dose of discipline. I find it really helpful to make a commitment to myself and stick to it. For me, this meant get up, get dressed and get out. No excuses. Instead of staying in my PJs in the morning, I get dressed in walking gear right away. I never set a specific distance or physical goal, I just got dressed and out the door.

Like you, once I was outside it was easy to go for a walk. Getting dressed right away put me in the right frame of mind for action rather than excuses. Over time, I added small things to my routine, like exercises and stretches. But the key was the discipline to develop the habit. Now I always move in the morning.

I'd love to hear back from you and what you saw on your walk. 🙂

While I agree with all the posts here, it sounds like you may need a buddy to get you going. Is there someone you could start to walk with on a daily basis? If so, that is something to look forward to and a great motivator. You could also get an inexpensive clip on pedometer and aim to walk a certain amount of steps a day. Once you start taking these small practical steps it actually becomes so routine that you feel bad if you skip a day. It also leads to trying more activities.
It is easier not to change things which can lead to depression. But you sound like a smart introspective lady who already has the knowledge and this is what you would tell other people to do.

FL Mary

anniebrook, I encourage you to research the individtal benefits of boron, magnesium and vitamin K2MK4 which was previously called Activator-X. Then search on "boron osteoarthritis" "magnesium osteoarthritis" and "K2MK4 osteoarthritis" They work better together. Searching on 'krispin magnesium" reveals a helpful magnesium info site. Always consult with your healh care professional before using any supplement.

Hi Annie, I hear you - motivation is a real kicker. I find that having an exercise / walk partner and meeting at a specified day/time works for me.

For me I've learned "Tiny Increments" of exercise work best. I wake up each day because of hip pain. It's my internal alarm clock. I grab the cane and start my day. Between my cancer, osteoporosis, and hernia I start movement. The movement helps. Being in the water helps a lot. Exercise, I do in tiny increments. Instead of 8 reparations of resistance I do 3 maybe 5. My advice is the reward is worth it. Its reinforces "Feeling Good" two ways. One, physical improvements. Two, emotional improvements. Combined both reward me with hope, just a little feeling of hope, means a lot to me.

I find podcasts and books on my phone make exercise easier