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As a retired mental health nurse I find these articles very interesting and enlightening. My husband often has different recollections of events than I do, and has for a long time. He is now 71 yrs & I am 73 yrs. in the past year of so I find myself with a poor memory for recent events, I occasionally stop and go through red lights, to the left. And at green lights I also stop and look both ways before proceeding. When driving home at night through the country roads I sometimes get distracted and then have no idea where I am, so I just keep going until something reminds me of where I am.
I miss some appointments, and forget to do things I have said I would do. I frequently leave things behind when I am out, and loose things at home.
In the past I have known when my husband was relating an incident with some of the facts being wrong. Now that I have my own problems, whose to say which one of us is right. I like the idea of just going along with his version, who really cares which one of us is right. Often when my husband is relating something and asks me if I remember, I just say yes to avoid a long explanation and “ don’t you remember that ??.
Thanks to all with your good advise and insight.

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Replies to "As a retired mental health nurse I find these articles very interesting and enlightening. My husband..."

I mean Emy.