← Return to HPV vaccination IS Cancer Prevention!

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My daughter is 5 and her school sent home a form this weekend requesting permission to administer the HPV vaccine, I am not at all sure she should be given it at this time, I feel she's to young and not enough information has been given to the public about the vaccine and it's side effects, another thing is I'm very afraid that the vaccine may not be of the highest quality, there has been a lot of rumors in our country about low grade medication being administered to patients. I would very much appreciate some feedback from anyone who's child has had the vaccine have their been any adverse effects and/or side effects? And for those who have refused the vaccine, what were your reasons?

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Replies to "My daughter is 5 and her school sent home a form this weekend requesting permission to..."

@pamelacelia, the recommended age for HPV vaccination is 11-12 years old for girls and boys in the US, Canada, and Europe. It can be given early, starting at age 9. Five years old is younger than typically recommended.

The Center for Disease Control published this series of frequently asked questions about HPV Vaccine Safety that may help to answer some of your concerns https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/hpv-safety-faqs.html

Like you, I wanted to get the facts before getting my daughter vaccinated. For me the benefits far outweighed the potential adverse effects. My daughter was vaccinated at age 12 and she did not experience any side effects other than slight tenderness where the needle was given. She is now 15 and there has been no further side effects. I'm glad that there is something I could do to protect my child from some types of cancer.

May I ask what country you live in?