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National Donor Day and Everyday!
I am thankful for the deceased donor who made the decision to be an organ donor. When modern medicine could not repair my failing organs. And I was at my weakest, My donor, gave me life - The Gift of Life.

One of the biggest honors that I experience is when people say to me, "I became a registered organ donor because of you and how organ donation saved your life."

My husband and I have made it our primary responsibility to take good care of me - It's how we honor my donor.
Rosemary ( liver/kidney recipient -2009)

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Replies to "National Donor Day and Everyday! I am thankful for the deceased donor who made the decision..."

@rosemarya we are the same, very conscious of being careful. Just got back from our short trip to L.A. and wore a mask on the plane and did not eat at buffets, except for stuff at the breakfast buffet at our hotel like yogurt and bananas. I have been surprised at how many people I know were already on the donor list. I was quite impressed at how many were. I have no idea if they did that while I was waiting of if they had done it prior to that, but either way it's a thoughtful and considerate thing.

@rosemarya and @contentandwell

How wonderful that you are treasuring your new efficient self!


@hopeful33250 how could we not, without it we would not be here. I am so grateful for every day that I am still here.

Yes, that is the reason I enjoy reading the Transplant posts. You have all been given a 2nd opportunity to be healthy and I'm inspired by your lifestyle and your thankfulness!
