@ainsleigh Hello, Ainsleigh. I saw my urogynochologist yesterday and scheduled an injection procedure in a couple weeks. I hadn't been to a gynochologist since my hysterectomy at age 35....but,
I've experienced stress incontinence and overactive bladder for several years. I never addressed this directly with my PCP. I'm not sure why, other than the fact I was dealing with possible MS or MG, tremors, etc.and probably the bladder issue was down on the list. And, I had IBS for years with many accidents when in public or shopping or working. But, I did mention it to one of my Mayo docs during a recent visit. She said she would refer me to see a urogynachologist to find out what and why and if there is help...
Best move ever. After several yucky tests I don't know how anyone thought up, the doc determined I have an issue with the muscles in the urethra. They open to release urine when the bladder isn't full, but can't close all the way. So, if there's a full bladder with pressure on the urethra, and I cough or sneeze or turn over in bed or move or get up or walk.......then the urine leaks out.
My doc said we have 2 choices re possible remedy. Surgery to place a mesh band in the middle of the urethra to support the muscles OR a bonding injection procedure done in the procedure room in about 20 minutes total. She injects the muscles of the urethra with a bonding agent to tighten or support the muscles of the urethra. I walk out and hopefully Issues of leakage are resolved.
Surgery has about an 8 weeks recovery, general anesthesia, etc. Pain naturally. But, it lasts and is likely to help. Procedure, 20 minutes in procedure room, not hospital, and no help needed for recovery since there isn't recovery time. Varying degrees of success in each case, I may need to come back for follow-up injections, and there is a slight possibility I will need the surgery to solve the problem.
I personally took 3 seconds to suggest, strongly, the procedure. I trust implicitly my Mayo physicians. Trust their knowledge, talent, ability and training. I'm so pleased there is a procedure for this diagnosis that works and is less invasive. One more reason I am a Mayo fan.
I'll let you know how everything goes. One key to this outcome is I went to a specialist who knows this area of medicine, and to Mayo. The doctors at Mayo have helped me in many areas and given me a better working body, sharper brain, fewer falls, complete diagnoses and treatment.....a new quality to living. But, something had to start the process, begin the walk to find out what is happening and why. That is you and me. I began the process by mentioning this issue to my doctor and following through with the referral and new doc. We are in charge of our bodies. Be proactive. Find answers. Take control.
I look forward to some good changes in my life after this procedure, some improvements. It's been a long time since I even considered such a thing! Just think.....I'm actually having something fixed that's causing me discomfort and interrupting my life. I'm getting fixed! What a wonderful thought!
Blessings to all of you. I hope you find help in this area. elzabeth
Is there a similar treatment for men?