← Return to Personal After Effects of the Pandemic a Year Later

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@fiesty76 ~ My daughter, along with friends and I have been having similar discussions lately about what life will be like going forward and are we “ready for public viewing”?
We’ve talked about not being able to “unsee” the videos of aerosol transmission from people’s mouths as they’ve casually chatted, sung, or talked in loud gathering places such as restaurants, bars and concerts. Will we ever be comfortable speaking face to face in a group again without picturing toxic moisture drops attaching to our hair, faces, clothing, up our noses. Maybe one good thing will come out of this as people will finally respect personal space.

Having gone through hefty chemo treatments for AML and then having a stem cell transplant left me severely immunocompromised the entire year of 2019 during recovery. Masks, social distancing, no hugging, etc., were my norm as illness had to be avoided at all cost.
Finally, January 2020 I was just beginning to have a little taste of the old life by venturing out a little more. My BMT-team even ok’d a trip to Florida as long as we drove and had minimal contact with people. Then...Covid-19. I was already an old hand at everything the populace was being required to do to avoid the spread of this virus. Now everyone had to mask, social distance and use the same cautionary measures my husband and I had to do for that past year. I had no sympathy for the whiners about not begin able to comply!! When asked if this bothered me, I joked, as an introvert, I’d repaired for this my entire life! More of being able to stay at home without anyone thinking I’m turning into a recluse.

Admittedly, after two years of basically being cloistered except for check-in visits to Mayo or my local clinic, thinking about being sprung into public is a mixed bag of emotions and a bit intimidating. I am ready to be with my friends again. I miss our dinners out, our quick lunches together, our whine and wine sessions, (though I still can’t have the wine...sigh). But I honestly don’t know when I’ll ever feel comfortable sans masks in a public setting.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not living in fear and will certainly be out in public again armed with my vaccinations. But as an immunocompromised person, I will also continue to be proactive for my health and others by being responsible with my actions.

I agree with Merry. It is a new, magical world out there! We’re all changed through this experience. We need to let our ‘sprit of endurance’ take over and propel us forward! Love your attitude, Miss Fiesty!

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Replies to "@fiesty76 ~ My daughter, along with friends and I have been having similar discussions lately about..."

@loribmt, Thanks for reading and for your response. Goodness, you could have been the poster child for all of us with your additional year of practicing the public health advisories when the pandemic struck! Like you, Lori, I keep seeing the aerosol transmissions videos in my mind's eye and wonder how long it will be before "getting beyond" those images.

I do hope that others will have learned from this to better respect an individual's personal space. I've always required more of that than some. Years ago, a colleague got two other guys to "tease" me by standing close enough to make me uncomfortable. I would automatically step back and they thought it funny. It wasn't for me.

Yes! We can celebrate our re-entries to our magical world as Merry wrote and I especially appreciate your suggestion "to let our 'spirit of endurance' ..propel us forward. May there be much better times just around the corner for us all!