← Return to Hydroxicloriquine-Lupus-Prednisone & COVID19 Vaccine?

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Darlia, I have system sclerosis, RH, CK stage 3 moderate, Hashimoto Disease, autoimmune allergies, COPD severe, and ILD. I am on Hydroxicloriquine 600mg, predisone 5mg daily, leflunomide 20 mg, as well as thyroid, blood pressure, lasix, multiple different inhalers and nebulizers. My RH says that even with me having extreme allergic reactions that as long as I am monitored it is okay and highly recommended that our groups get the vaccine. It will take us longer to build the antibodies and both shots should be taken. I for myself fear getting it as the flu and pneumonia shots have both caused anaphylaxis in the past.
Here is a site I refer to for answers about covid

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Replies to "Darlia, I have system sclerosis, RH, CK stage 3 moderate, Hashimoto Disease, autoimmune allergies, COPD severe,..."

@devonsnana ..thank you for your response.
We have some of the same autoimmune diseases and then some different.. I am concerned about the reaction to the vaccine too because I have that sensitivity to epinephrine that happens where you receive a numbing shot at the dentist (it contains epinephrine) and I get instant palpitations and my heart speeds up as in the pulse. My chests feels this fast heart rate and it continues for about 10 min- 1/2 hour. I was told by my endocrinologist to tell the dentist's to use the other kind of numbing shot without the epinephrine. To avoid the problem of the palpitations and being shakey for 1/2 an hour which is a danger to your heart. I usually have them put it in my file. Not always do the dentist's CHECK though! So I have to verbally bring it up.

I've forgotten to tell a dentist and then boom! Too late. There it goes again.
My experience without it was much different. No problems then.
There is one drawback. The numbing shot without the epinephrine doesn't stop the bleeding as well, so on an extraction you will need more. I therefore, recently had an extraction and took the regular numbing shot and the epinephrine to avoid excessive bleeding. (Against my endo dr's advice,)

So because I am so sensitive to outside agents, which affect my~ ENDOCRINE SYSTEM~ I am asking for guidance on this issue as well as to if there has been scientific data put out on the RISK to taking this Moderna vaccine.
Our county is going to give our group the Moderna this next Thursday, so I don't have much time to decide!

Also, I was sensitive to getting ALLERGY tested this last year. When the medical assistant put the square with all of the types of possible substances you can be allergic to on my arm (it pricks your skin with like 20 or 30 at a time) then said we had to wait ..after less than 5 minutes I started to have racing heart feeling and tightness in my throat..
So I pressed the button for help that he left me with.
He quickly removed the testing and wiped my arm off. He took my BP and said it wasn't abnormal but that his head dr said to not proceed with the test but instead they would do a blood test to find out what I was allergic to.
The symptoms went away ..subsided ..after he removed the allergens from my arm FYI.
He said it was highly irregular and that this isn't a "normal" reaction that they usually see.. I said I am never "normal" and if something is rare, I will get it or it will happen to me when.it comes to medicine.
I'm that person who it will happen too in the part of the drug warnings of "this is a rare side effect"!!
And then the time, I had a flu shot or my pneumonia 2nd shot given to me at Walgreens. I can't recall which one it was. So about 15 min - 1/2 hour later I start getting a rashy type thing in and around the area. It felt warm to touch too. I told them I thought it was a reaction. They retorted that it was just a normal reaction to a shot..
Guess what. I was right!
It got red, inflamed and rashy all the way down to my elbow.
I went to URGENT CARE. They said it looked like staph under the skin or what is it, phlebitis? Infection like staph but under the skin. Antibiotics to the rescue!
I said well the only way I could have that would be that the person giving the vaccine wasn't careful about cleaning everything involved then.(I am assuming)
So I don't know if this would be relevant, but figured I'd add it, in case.
Another point... I was tested by lab in CA called AVISE. THEY do the deep detail testing for autoimmune markers and antibodies and the markers. I was tested for Lupus, RA and thyroid is.
The results came back for very high autoimmune is reference to the thyroid. Already being treated for Hashimoto's thyroiditis, no surprise on that.
And.. the ANA markers for a few things were positive. Finally after years of clinical symptoms got diagnosed for Lupus (in Sept '20)
Taking Hydroxychloroquine 200 2x a day. Just stopped prednisone this last week and I read that it stays in your system.
With hydroxychloroquine, I was told by the pharmacist and another person who takes it, it lowers your immune system.
So looking for answers here on Mayo Connect to should I get the vaccine or no it? I used to be very active on Mayo Connect years ago, but haven't now been using it as a source on a regular basis for about 4 yrs.