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Balance, Dizziness, Disequilibrium, Oscillopsia, etc.

Hearing Loss | Last Active: Feb 24, 2021 | Replies (22)

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I'm interested in the topic of dizziness. I have been wearing HA's for 3 years now. I'm 76 and when I get up too quickly I sometimes feel dizzy so I try to do it more slowly now. I've always related it to a possible ear infection" But maybe it is just age.

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Replies to "I'm interested in the topic of dizziness. I have been wearing HA's for 3 years now...."

reply to Don Higgins: Sounds as though you have BPPV, an annoying and common inner ear problem of people generally past 50. You need to see a really good ear specialist, hopefully a neurotologist or the like instead of an ENT. BPPV happens when you move your head suddenly, esp. after not moving at all--like when you first wake up and turn over or get out of a chair after sitting quietly without moving. If it is BPPV, a qualified doc can do the Epley Maneuver to resettle the tiny crystals in your inner ear. Works for most people, although sometimes it needs to be repeated later. There's actually an entire book about BPPV, which I designed for VEDA (Vestibular Disorders Assn.) back in the 90s. I'll dig out the final pages sent to the printer and send you a PDF...or you might find it inexpensively at ABEBooks.com. I had asked VEDA to publish a book about Meniere's, which I have, but, first they wanted me to publish two other books about balance; I have all the final pages for all three books in one of my backup boxes of CDs.

@dsh33782 How is your blood pressure? Do you take your blood pressure after one of these events? What meds are you on? Have you been diagnosed with ear infections before? How did they treat them at that time? K

Getting up quickly and getting dizzy is usually due to a sudden change to the blood volume loss in the brain causing the dizzy feeling.