Thanks, Erika. The stress part was wildly out of control in my early thirties. Since then, I've been on a journey of recovery and healing that has taken that from a 10 on a 10 scale to what is probably a 2 on most days. That's part of why I'm seeking additional help as that major piece has largely been ameliorated. What is strange is that now a baseline of headache and inflammation has become a constant and I'm more sensitive than before to the triggers.
In my research today, I found an encouraging study by the University of California at San Francisco (Sinus Microbiome Diversity Depletion and Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum Enrichment Mediates Rhinosinusitis). That's the article title if anyone wants to read it :)h
and some possible practical applications: lactobacto dot com, that are worth testing out. These relate to gut and sinus biome.
I've seen 3 providers, had a CT scan, blood panel, but no real help. The ENT scanned me, and because he couldn't do surgery to fix it, just sent me out the front door. We do have a functional med office in the Denver area folks rave about, so I may try them out.
One other interesting health history fact was that I was sick with a staph infection from about 6 months old until I was 2 years old. I received a bi-weekly penicillin shot--so basically loaded with antibiotics while my body was developing. This, along with other elements, is leading me toward looking more into gut health.
@ajoutwest, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to a journal article with your message. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam, so allow me to post it here.
- Sinus Microbiome Diversity Depletion and Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum Enrichment Mediates Rhinosinusitis