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Scanxiety: How did you get through scanxiety?

Lung Cancer | Last Active: Feb 9, 2021 | Replies (27)

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Hi @mrodriguezc, I'm using Google translate to respond to you (https://translate.google.com/). Your messages translated to:
"Hello, I am in the same situation, I wanted to know if before immunotherapy I can have a molecular study so that the treatment has been so effective, and what cancer does it have?"

The translation obviously isn't perfect, so I am interpreting your question as:
1. Before immunotherapy, can you get molecular genetic tests to determine if treatment will be effective?
2. What cancers are treated with immunotherapy?

1. Yes, oncologists are increasingly selecting therapies based on the specific genomic abnormalities identified in a patient’s tumor. This genomic information often comes from a molecular diagnostic test.

2. I believe you were diagnosed with Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer). There are several different immunotherapy options available to treat Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). See this article:
- How is Immunotherapy for Liver Cancer Changing the Outlook for Patients? https://www.cancerresearch.org/immunotherapy/cancer-types/liver-cancer

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Replies to "Hi @mrodriguezc, I'm using Google translate to respond to you (https://translate.google.com/). Your messages translated to: "Hello,..."

En estudio molecular salieron dos mutaciones de mi cáncer al hígado, no hay medicamento específico para mi tipo de tumores, sin embargo estamos probando con inmunoterapia con atezolizumab y becavizumab, alguien le ha pasado algo similar, quiero saber que hago si esto no es efectivo. Gracias