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Anyone else with Churg-Strauss or EPGA?

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Apr 13 7:04am | Replies (28)

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Hi Becky. Thanks for the information. I will check it out. I looked up Clippers because I had never heard of it and I didn't remember seeing it on the list of Auto-immune diseases. It sounds crazy and the facebook support group is a wonderful avenue for you to be able to connect with others that understand. It is hard when your friends and family don't quite understand what is going on. But, it is also hard to explain when you don't have answers yourself. I look fine so I must be fine. I will look into it. I have a team which started with my allergist who then sent me to a pulmonologist, rheumatologist, hematologist, gastroenterologist and cardiologist. I am basically seeing the pulmonologist and rheumatologist most frequently. The others are now for maintenance as this disease can progress to other organs. The Nucala has kept my EOS numbers in check so that is good. I seem to have developed Diabetes, possibly from some of the medications but not sure what the next step is for that. Thank you for the information.

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Replies to "Hi Becky. Thanks for the information. I will check it out. I looked up Clippers because..."

This sounds exactly like my story as far as Drs. and medication. I also understand the family not recognizing that even tho I look good I am not always good. I am keeping an eye on my Diabetes, but did someone tell you which medications can cause it?