Greetings @diana13, and a big hearty welcome to Connect. We are a group of caring and gentle folks who open our hearts and our memories to share the experience and knowledge we have gained as patients, caregivers, and providers. In our mentor role, we cannot diagnose or prescribe. We can listen and share because we have been there.
I think we wrote a few chapters together @diana13. I am 78 and I began falling earlier I think...down mountains, off of horses, and the worst one........stepping backward off of a platform cracking a few bones on the way down. And just for a smile, I stepped through the unsurfaced area in the attic and landed halfway in the TV room. We made a fake leg and inserted it in the ceiling. So...I have learned how to laugh at myself, and finally how to protect my body.
@diana13, how are your scores shifting? Would you please explain? Have you worked with a nutritionist to plan a diet rich in calcium and vitamin d3? Are you taking OTC supplements or medications that build bone or prevent bone loss?
Let's figure out where to start? Let us know what you are doing and I know that others will have some suggestions and advice.
What are you most concerned about? You doctor is worried about you falling. What about you?
May you be safe and protected from inner and outer harm.
A fake leg in the ceiling? Perfect!!!! What a funny decorative touch....