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@emyliander, Good afternoon, Sarah. It's been a few weeks since I got your update. You do cover the waterfront very well. I appreciate every word.

The first thing I loved was imagining your extra pretty flowers. Take time every day to put your feet on the earth and focus on something beautiful. I also love listening to all the birds. The beautiful Piliated screeches, the Eagle has a gentle whistle.

My heart goes out to you for all of your work to sell the house. Sounds like it worked.....the very first buyer.....and cash. Wow!

And, the most distressing thing is to learn about the difficulty within your marriage. I know it would be difficult to find a therapist right now as you prepare to leave. I am wondering if there is a self-help series of exercises or better yet a Zoom encounter option. If you think that might work......let me know and I will see what I might be able to find.

It is sad to see that because of a lack of understanding of the cognitive issues that interfere, you become fearful of not remembering something. We, my life partner and I, have an understanding that works pretty well. We even rehearse. If I need help in a conversation, I say "Jay, please help me with the name of the person who came to fish with us last year". I have to give him a little more info in my request. When I get it right, he gets it right, and no one would ever know that i completely forgot the name.

We are very open about my "disabilities" and we don't feel like we have to explain everything. And now for the chuckle......I have tinnitus in my right ear and compromised hearing in the left hear. If the head in the middle ever gives up on me...........

Be safe and wear your mask, be protected and free.

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Replies to "@emyliander, Good afternoon, Sarah. It's been a few weeks since I got your update. You do..."

Beautiful and informative writing!
God bless you.
Would that we all had your understanding of life.