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I haven't been keeping up with my Facebook friends at all. I got my vaccine yesterday! No prior appt. until yesterday. My husband got on the computer and contacted Kroger. They told me to be there within the hour. I got it and was very happy. Then later I looked at my mail from my insurance company. It stated I had a prednisone shot in December. I had a terrible night last night. I woke up wondering how long prednisone stays in your system. I had the shot on December 1. I took a lot of it in tablet form this summer for nasal swelling. Anyway, I do suffer from anxiety in addition to many other things. So, I woke up at 2:30 am and got on the computer researching how long this lasts in your system. Only hours, from what I read. I hope it's true. I feel foggy now. I know I need a good night's sleep--I haven't had one in years--due to sleep apnea. Can't wear mask--can't breathe through swollen nasal passages and severely deviated septum. I haven't had any reactions from the vaccine. My arm is sore anyway.

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Replies to "I haven't been keeping up with my Facebook friends at all. I got my vaccine yesterday!..."

@woogie, Have you considered getting a Septoplasty to correct the deviated septum? I've often thought about it but mine still allows me to breathe somewhat normal most of the time but I do have issues frequently.

- Septoplasty: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/septoplasty/about/pac-20384670
- Repaired Deviated Septum is a Breath of Fresh Air: https://sharing.mayoclinic.org/2019/02/22/repaired-deviated-septum-is-a-breath-of-fresh-air/