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Thanks very much for your reply. May I ask, is there a reason that one would wait 18 months after starting Tymlos or other drug for a followup bone scan? Is it an insurance issue? I would have thought that annual tests would be required because, if a treatment isn't working, it would allow the treatment plan to change.

Thanks for information on refills. I thought it would be only 30 day refill so thats a relief.

My endocrinologist suggested Evenity, Forteo or Tymlos (in that order). I personally felt that Evenity was too new, with an unusual mode of action, and that I would like a drug that had a longer time in market. Also, I cannot find anything suggesting that Evenity is better particularly at bone building. But, again, I'm having trouble finding research reports on any of them.

I would have trouble making any impact with diet, because I already eat a whole, organic diet. I get quite a lot of dietary calcium. I can increase exercise but, was already pretty active (ie 5 days/week).

The one thing I am considering is adding HRT to standard treatment of Evenity, Forteo or Tymlos. My endocrinologist supports that , with the usual cautions/about the risks. I had an early menopause which I believe contributed to osteoporosis. But at the time HRT was getting a really bad rap and several doctors refused to prescribe it because I had no menopausal symptoms. I should have insisted.

I have to say I'm also super depressed about the diagnosis. Which is probably what everyone feels at the time. I am 60 but have the bones of an 84 year old.

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Replies to "Thanks very much for your reply. May I ask, is there a reason that one would..."

Good evening @heyhey and @hopeful33250, I want to include Theresa in our chat since we all are on the same hunt for answers. So where are we tonight? Unfortunately, I was unable to find product comparative research. All of the studies so far appear to have been placebo comparative. There are some clinical studies underway and so far the improvement to be found in actual bone density doesn't appear to vary that much from Forteo to Tymlos It is hard to line up women/men with similar presenting issues....everyone is so different.

The reason for a 2 year limit on the bone building twosome....Forteo and , is because after two years the improvement achieved flattens out and the osteoporosis situation reverses itself. My endocrinologist suggested that we stop at 18 months so that we would have longer to find a viable candida for the next step, preserving the progress. As you recall...I am severely allergic to the biosophonates. I am also moving very quickly toward 79 years old. My expectations may pale by comparison to what yours are likely to be at 20 years younger and physically active.

Let's just all keep searching and sharing. You can start @heyhey. Where do we go from here?

May you have contentment and ease.

Hello. I sound similar to your case and also @heyhey including Depression. I also need help. I’m -3.6 with a -4 at my L4-5 and hip -2.7.
They recommend tymlos for me but my biggest question is if this grows new bone increases density is it ACTUALLY good and flexible bone?!
If it’s not Strong flexible new Bone, isn’t that More fracture risk even if you have increased bone density?

And even if it is good bone and not at increased fracture risk , once you get off tymlos you have to go on a bisphosphonate type to keep it due to reversibility of the anabolics.
So then, from my understanding, that bone will definitely become
Brittle (because the drug causes the old bone- that’s naturally SUPPOSED TO BE replaced - to stay- but it is old/ brittle and more risk of fractures.

Vitamin k mk-4 of 45 mg / daily used in Japan apparently instead of bisphosphonates can significantly reduce FRACTURE risk even though bone mineral density does not go up. Has anyone done this vitamin K large 45 mg daily? Doctors will think it can cause extra clotting but the functional doctor said no , once we get enough K for clotting it moves on to help bones and other things in the body; and that It doesn’t increases clot risk. So I’d ask for coagulation labs to be safe and ask your doc first.

Re HRT I heard A Osteoporosis speaker say once we’re 5 to 7 years past menopause, our estrogen receptors have basically dried up and it really won’t respond to HRT anymore. 🧐 true?

❤️👉🏼 Would love to hear from those who’ve done Forteo tymlos and vit K 45 mg and reduced fracture risk.
I don’t want to go on Tymlos and then bisph. Or Reclast if I’m just going to end up with higher BMD but more brittle, higher fracture risk bones?!!