@rkndvm Welcome to Mayo Connect. I see you are a fairly new member here, and I might have missed greeting you.
Like you, I have kidney issues, and proteinuria caused by a rare disease. There are other health issues, also, and I received my vaccine as early as I could as I was due to start chemotherapy. At age 67, I was given the "older folk" vaccine. I made sure the pharmacist who dosed me, knew of my health issues. He was very informed and assured me it would be fine to receive that version. No aftereffects, which is great!
Here is an article from the Center for Disease Control about flu vaccines, that may ease your concerns. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/whoshouldvax.htm&ved=2ahUKEwjqzKn92ObsAhUBqZ4KHQS7CqsQFjAJegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw3CALRN1M3Ap4Md92Judl79
How has your proteinuria been in the year since your last flu vaccine/Pneumonia shot? Has it remained high or decreased back to more normal range? It may have been a coincidental with stopping the prednisone. I'll be interested in hearing back from you!
Thanks for your prompt response! My proteinuria presented in Dec 2019 approximately 6-8 weeks AFTER my immunizations. Prior to that I had enjoyed good health.
I started 55mg oral prednisone after a renal biopsy diagnosis on Jan 4, 2020. My proteinuria responded finally responded in May 2020 showing a low urine Pr/Cr, but returned as soon as I tried to decrease my prednisone dose. Finally, in June, after 3-4 more weeks of high dose pred, my kidneys were no longer passing massive amounts of protein in my urine so I began a very SLOW weaning process. I have not taken prednisone since September 26, 2020. I see my nephrologist in 10 days so will obviously listen to his opinion. I'm assuming I should receive the immunization, but appreciate others in my situation sharing their information. I am 66 YO and have lost a brother to Scleroderma and my mother had RA, so immune-mediated disease is in my gene pool.