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Well I'm also overweight diabetes runs deep in my family what else could be contributing to my diabetes. My doctor has just received my blood work so no we're going ova what the problem could be

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Replies to "Well I'm also overweight diabetes runs deep in my family what else could be contributing to..."

There are other causes of high blood sugar in addition to diabetes, and several can bring it on. (I’m not a medical person so I may not have the correct terminology.) But being very overweight and with a strong family history could be the reason; I myself also have a strong family history of diabetes (in addition to hemochromatosis).

If you’re serious about doing something about it, get up and start being more active. Join a gym if you can afford it, treadmill walking, cycling, elliptical, rowing would all be good for you. Many are open 24 hours, so you can always fit it into your schedule.

Eat less than what you are currently eating (like about half). Even following a low carb diet is not enough if the volume of food is too much. Learn to eat a balanced diet with enough protein, taking a daily multi vitamin is a good idea.

Ask your doctor about testing, how many times per day, and follow the medication he prescribes. Elsewhere in this post are great dietary tips.

I wouldn’t worry about a weight loss diet at this point, as you will lose weight if you’re more active and eat less. You can have a healthy future if you are persistent at the above. Several people have told me I’m obsessed with details of diet, but I like the results.