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Dry mouth remedies

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Feb 21, 2023 | Replies (57)

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Hi elmay,
No artificial sweeteners for you. Will make your condition worse. If you are able try and get the attention of a pharmacist at Walmart, Target or where ever you shop. Take a few things off the shelf and take to the pharmacy dept, and discuss what will work for you. Best in early morning, or before they close.
Like anything else some pharmacist are willing to help, and others could care less.
I’m sure something will help.

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Replies to "Hi elmay, No artificial sweeteners for you. Will make your condition worse. If you are able..."

Reply to @elmay: hi el. I have gerd and ibs, and acid stomach, along with dry mouth and mouth sores as a result of dry mouth...I use the Biotene and am grateful for it...it's the best remedy I've found. My secret for the gerd, acid stomach and ibs is probiotics! Since I started using them my ibs symptoms went away, and with them the gerd! If i've had it, it's only been once in the last nine months! If I stop taking the probies for a week the ibs and stomach problems return!ll. I take a reasonably priced brand: Nature's Bounty, Probiotics 10. I take two in the a.m.. Best of luck, El!!