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Colostomy problem: Rectal discharge 18 months out

Ostomy | Last Active: Jan 21 6:24pm | Replies (30)

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Hi @bcstew, Thank you for sharing your current experience with the group. I am sorry that you are currently having a watery discharge due to your colostomy. I would definitely contact your surgeon if this is a new symptom that is occurring, but I did want to invite a few more people to the discussion that may have knowledge of if this is a common side effect or something to be concerned with. Welcome @hodagw, @engelee, @susang2473 and @candywocrn to the conversation. Can you share any insight with @bcstew ?

You will also noticed that I altered your title slightly to address your question so members can see it from the group page.

@bcstew, I did read where if you have a colostomy and the anus is still in tact, there may be some mucus discharge due to the fact that the bowel lining still has the ability to produce the mucus that aids in defecating. Can you give us a little background regarding your diagnosis and your surgery?

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Replies to "Hi @bcstew, Thank you for sharing your current experience with the group. I am sorry that..."

I have had a colostomy since 2012 this has occurred maybe 3 times. My surgeon stated it's normal. I replied, no fair! (little humor).

This what happened to me. My annus kept discharging fluid into a surgical opening resulting from a staple falling out. The fluid then led to an abscess requiring the annus to be removed.