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Diabetes is a dietary disease though the doctor will never tell you that ! Read or look at utube, jason Fung, MD. Fasting and low carbs will bring down your numbers. I love it ! I am on no medicine, prediabetic, age 75 and 120lbs for the past 20 years. What makes the numbers go down is when you fast the body is not producing insulin, insulin makes you fat and can give you Type 2. I should say not producing lots of insulin. I have coffee with mild and water in the AM.

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Replies to "Diabetes is a dietary disease though the doctor will never tell you that ! Read or..."

Really struggl8ng with my readings. This chart shows my target . If I have a cup of coffee with a tsp of sugar and my reading is within this guideline. Or I have a hamburger and fries for lunch and my reading is 10 within this target. Am I not ok?