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Can I eat crackers unsalted saltines, low sodium ritzs

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Those baked goods are all high in carbs. Look at the label and limit yourself to 40g of carbs per meal. Don't drink anything with sugar in it until you get to the Dr. and get some guidance. You want to eat your carbs, not drink them.

Why eat crackers? You need to eat meat or plant protein foods, vegetables, a little fruit, and limit the white bread. A little dairy and nuts for munchies. Eat real food, not snacks and munchies out of a bag or box. You will need to cook from scratch or you might try those delivered fresh meals that are being advertised now, until you see the nutritionist and get better educated about what to eat for your situation. I use a microwave and the veggies really taste fresh and good and also taste good as leftovers. Eggs and cheese don't work well in the microwave. It isn't how much you eat so don't think of skipping meals and having a few crackers. The eating will be drastically changed, I am thinking, but you can enjoy eating new foods and developing new favorites. It's a new life for you. Most nutritionists recommend three or four smaller meals and some prefer six meals a day, counting snacks, which i omit. Get going! Dorisena