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You are doing great John J. @testudo! I'm on a similar journey to get healthier. I thought I was a little pudgy at 215 when I got out of the Navy and blossomed as I got older with a high of 330. My problem has always been snacking and fast foods. I started this year at 244.7 and am currently 215.8. I now have my weight goal set for 200 to try and maintain between 200 - 205 which I think is a healthy weight for me. I've found the alternate fasting gives me the tool to lose weight and pretty much eat what I want as far as food. I still avoid fast foods and as much processed foods as I can. I limit bread and chips which are a killer for me...can't eat just one! I use several days of 20 hour fast with a 4 hour eating window which was a little difficult when I first started but I no longer have that hungry feeling. I use the Zero app which you can download for your smartphone to start/end a fast, but it's nice that you can change the fast if needed -- https://www.zerofasting.com/. My normal routine is to fast using 20/4 for 3 to 4 days then use a 18/6 or 16/8 fasting/eating window for 2 days.

Here's a good food reference - Slide show: 10 great health foods - Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/multimedia/health-foods/sls-20076653

You might find this article interesting - The Dilemma of Weight Loss in Diabetes: https://spectrum.diabetesjournals.org/content/20/3/133

What has helped my snacking is to replace the junk snacks with something healthier. I found some great individual packs of nut and dried fruit mix from Costco but I think you can get it at other places - Power Up Trail Mix - https://www.amazon.com/Power-Up-Natural-Antioxidant-Variety/dp/B07JQ1NF3Z/

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Replies to "You are doing great John J. @testudo! I'm on a similar journey to get healthier. I..."

Hi other John B, and thanks for the reply. Thanks for the references. I will review them but I think the central theme here is weight loss. I see that you are trying to maintain weight at 200-205. I would like to maintain 190. And now I’m down to 180. So do I just to eat more turkey, chicken, fish? What are your thoughts with gluten free turkey subs? What about milk shakes? I guess I’m at the opposite spectrum from you with weight. Also, my bloodwork came back with LOW sodium. Thanks again John B, John J.