← Return to Bisphosphonates or Not? Both No Win


Bisphosphonates or Not? Both No Win

Osteoporosis & Bone Health | Last Active: Jan 30, 2022 | Replies (92)

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@sunnyflower I had the fracture from a pre-syncope experience, I basically passed out for a second and fell on the tile floor. I then asked my PCP if I was due for a DEXA and I was -- my last had been in January of 2014 and then I had osteopenia, so I had the DEXA in September 2019.

You did not scare me away, I had already scared myself away due to my negative reactions to so many pharmaceuticals. There are very active groups on here discussing the various drugs. If you use the search feature you can find more, they are in the Bones, Joints and Muscles discussions:

Here are some specific ones and if you use the search with a particular drug name that will bring you to more discussions.


The newer drugs that are supposed to build bone are Tymlos and Forteo. I know there are discussions that mention them also.

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Replies to "@sunnyflower I had the fracture from a pre-syncope experience, I basically passed out for a second..."

Thx so much JK, especially for the links. Yes, I'm familiar w/ the search feature but will research further. Thank you for taking the time! Ug, I just read about Prolia and I can't get away from it; the bisphonphonates do affect the immune system so essentially I would be on three, not two, were I to begin taking it. I also read the risks of missing doses and the risk of fractures increases if that is the case. So, to try the every 3 month Alendronate to see if I can tolerate it and then transitioning to Recast or Prolia, could be a problem. I was on 3 immunosuppressant meds for over 20 years but had to D/C the Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine-I would take it again temporarily in a heart beat were I to get Covid-19). I took a bad fall this past year. My foot got caught in my bedskirt and I went down! Ended up on my stomach a few feet away. It was on soft carpet. The bruise was GIGANTIC! But, I fell on a fat pad on my hip and I didn't break a bone!! So wait, I don't get it, technically I should have! Clearly God intervened. Walkikng by faith, Sunnyflower