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Heart Failure

Heart & Blood Health | Last Active: Sep 12, 2020 | Replies (25)

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Hi @shawnb2020 and @sallygg1, I wanted to welcome you to Mayo Clinic Connect glad you could join us. @sallygg1 as you will see I moved your discussion to the thread that @shawnb2020 created about Heart Failure. This method is to benefit both you and other new members who are suffering with similar problems and give you a chance to connect.

@shawnb2020, I wondered if you asked or if your doctor mentioned at all any type of device to help with the heart failure like Sally has or any medication to slow the process? And you might be interested in this discussion as well - Stiff Heart, diastolic heart failure - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/stiff-heart-diastolic-heart-failure/
I would like to invite @scottij, @cynaburst, @annierae and @susikelley to the conversation.

@sallygg1, prior to your device did you have any of these symptoms or pain? You might be interested in the following conversation. It has a lot of information. Support Group for pacemaker recipients - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pacemaker-recipients/

I would also like to invite @bevh, @susikelley, @danab, @fishinpete, @stubeckj70 and @maddie3211 to the conversation as well.

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Replies to "Hi @shawnb2020 and @sallygg1, I wanted to welcome you to Mayo Clinic Connect glad you could..."

Good Morning....Last Aug. 2019 I suffered an A-FIB. Just like your describing...my heart was beating out of control and I could feel it. My arms were weightless while my heart was beating like s drum.... I had pain in my neck and thoat. I called the EMT after 2 days of this issue. My physician stated my heart had gone into A-FIB...After several days trying different medications my physician jump started my heart back to normal. My heart responded immediately.

Today, I am on Entresto and my heart feels great once again.

If your heart is beating abnormal take it from me, go to the hospital immediately! The longer you wait the more damage to your heart. This is a life and death situation that needs immediate attention. I learned a valuable lesson. I will never wait two days or an hour to get immediate attention...I love myself to much to allow this to happen again.

Good luck!! Maddie

Thank you, Amanda, in 2008 I experienced palpitations and some mild discomfort which I thought was indigestion..I did get an ultrasound of my heart and was told I have a left bundle branch block..I was prescribed blood pressure med and sent on my way. I did not receive much in the way of explanation or education. In 2017 I felt similar sensations, went to the ER, tested and referred to cardiologist locally. I saw that doctor and he requested that I do a one year follow up appointment. In 2019 I again went to the ER with palpitations. This time I was told that I had fluid around my heart, which ultimately led to a internal heart test, and the term "heart failure". I ended up at Cleveland Clinic, which is closer to my home than Mayo, though I have great respect for Mayo. Now that I have my device installed I am continuing to learn how my body reacts. Thanks for helping me get connected..

@shawnb2020 and @sallygg1
Welcome indeed.
Best always,