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Thanks for all your replies. I have an appointment with my dr Monday am I am still off dairy and fruit. and have
Felt some relief. As well as tomato products

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Replies to "Thanks for all your replies. I have an appointment with my dr Monday am I am..."

Hello @dusty14,

It seems as if you are doing a great investigation of foods that have been triggering the burning sensation. That is a great way to begin to address the problem. You might consider keeping a food journal and noting when the symptoms are worse. Do you try to reduce your intake of foods prior to bedtime? This can also be quite helpful.

Here is some information on Reflux from Mayo Clinic's website, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gerd/symptoms-causes/syc-20361940.

I'm glad to hear that you have a doctor's appointment on Monday, @dusty14. Will you post an update after that appointment and share what you have learned?

Sorry for my delay in writing this. The problem is a lot better since dr prescribed my medication. I am gradually adding foods back so far so good. Thanks to all of you! I’m so glad I found this site!