Sunny. First I want to say that I am sorry about this reaction from your daughters. I am getting to where people's (some people's) reactions to things are so bizarre to me that I have actually quit being dumbfounded any more. Trying to understand people is like trying to figure out neuropathy. I.E. IMPOSSIBLE. And none of what I am going to say is intended to be about your family specifically because I do not know them therefore it would not be appropriate to comment on them.
OK, with that boiler plate disclaimer out of the way, here is my feedback. Some people are important in your life because they are supposed to be. I view family as people you have a duty toward, a duty assigned to you by You Know Who. You love them, they are given to you to love. But you might not understand them. Heck in some cases you might not even like them! I definitely do not understand some in my family. You can try, but that is it. You might never figure out why they are the way they are.
My advice to you would be to try to get solace from those that DO understand. I think you have found a raft of them here on Connect. Maybe you have a few people who you are close to in real life as well. (Not that Connect isn't real, but you know what I men). Lean on your Real friends and the Connect friends you are starting to make. We do understand. I read your posts to Linda sometimes, and I am so stupefied at what you have to deal with. I mean really floored. I remember when you listed those 3 extremely rare conditions you have, wow, that was an eye-opener. I wish you would print your complete list and post it here, I'd like to see and have a copy.
You can't control how others think, not even family. You are fortunate to have your Faith, that is so so so so (is that enough sos?) powerful, and many do not get to have that in their own life. It is a gift for YOU. Sunny, you have been a godsend to this blog and I, for one, and so happy you appeared!
Best, Hank
Thanks for your kind words Hank. My posts to Linda?? I'm having brain fog. Linda, please forgive me, I can't place you right now.
Yes, I am acutely aware at all times how blessed I am. It confounds my mind.
Funny you would mention my list of medical conditions. Each time I have an appointment w/ a provider, the list is included w/ the discharge paperwork they give me and in my online aftercare summary. Every once in a while I look at it to make sure it's accurate. There have been times docs have forgotten to put a new Dx on it. I wouldn't post it on any public forum. I'm a private person and it is very outside my norm to even share personal info here in my posts. You may ask if I have specific things and I may tell you. I have and have had many specialists; cardio, endocrine, ortho, rheum, GI, GYN, neuro, derm, infect Dz, pulmonary, vascular, neuro surgeon, spine doc, nutrition, otolaryngologist, speech and language (malfunctioning larynx-doesn't let air through and swallow disfunction from Nutcracker's Esophagus), opthalm, retinal, eye surgeon, naturopath, podiatry, and I think that's it?
I was raised to put others first and to be very aware of how they are in every way and what they are going through. I raised my kids to be the same. I have learned from the best that it is hard for kids to have a sick parent. They fear more will be required in that relationship, they don't like to feel obligated, they fear their own mortality or that it's genetic (one child asks me that every time I get a new Dx, etc. I just try to not personalize my hurt and leave it at God's feet. They fear losing me like I lost my mom when I was 10.
Take care, Sunny