Dear Ones, another idea some therapists embrace, is to picture your parents or whoever your abuser/s were, as little kids themselves. I think it's b/c they too were likely abused or went through hardships in some way. It makes it easier to forgive them and we know, forgiveness frees you. They say, if we continue in our pain we are continuing to give them power/control over us. Oy vei, so complex.
Interesting I thought, that in Psalm 46:10 which says, "Be still and know that I am God", the word "still" in the original language, means to cease striving (anxting), stop fighting, relax and it also means to “put your hands down”. Sometimes we put our hands up to defend ourselves from all that life can bring our way. You've seen the bumper sticker and heard the saying, "let go and let God". Lay this pain at His feet. He can certainly relate!
Another thing that helps me in my struggle w/ my abusers, is that we have a just God, and in His time and way, He will deal w/ them accordingly. The horror and unspeakable trauma a lot of us have gone through in life, is heartwrentching. We can be healed. I haven't arrived yet by any means but I believe it's possible. I've come a long way and I hope and pray you all are experiencing some victory along the way as well. I keep laying my pain (emotional, physical), memories, thoughts etc. at God's feet but keep taking them back again. The more I focus on His love for me and take in the healing scriptures, the better minute, hour or day I have. I hope and pray for healing for all of us.
One last thought. No one should ever minimize their own pain or circumstances. We fall into the trap that we don't have it as bad as others but I had a brilliant godly therpaist who told me never to do that; it's counterproductive and simply not true. I tend to do that a lot. I know she was right to tell me not to and I'm getting there slowly.
Thank you for sharing your pain. Thank you for caring so deeply. You all are a huge blessing to me! In Christ's unfathomable love, Sunnyflower 🙂
@sunnyflower I agree 100%. Better not to compare how much suffering I am going through to what someone else is going through. I look at it like, if I have less pain (and I don't have the pain you guys have at all) then I have a little more energy available to try to help someone else. It's all about dealing with our own load and using whatever is left to help someone else with their load if you can.
Just a thought. Hank