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Neuropathy Medications

Neuropathy | Last Active: Nov 3, 2023 | Replies (123)

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@jimhd So if they say the optimum way to treat depression is a combo of drugs and therapy that implies a depression that is a combo of physical and psychological, is that accurate? So if you did not have the physical depression I wonder if you would still have the psychological, i.e. still require the therapy. Just curious.

I know I have had the psychological variety, which lasted about 30 years or so I guess. I never had any therapy, just lived with it and it was AWFUL. By the time I was in my thirties I had decided to myself that it was an imbalance in my 2 personalities, i.e. the "twins" of being a gemini. The reason that idea came to me was that I was clearly aware of my mood swings, cycling between being pretty happy and okay, to being severely unhappy and having much self-loathing. A very dysfunctional way to live but I did it a long time and kind of got by. When I would have the bad swings I would become very melancholy. My wife noticed how when I would choose to take what we now call a "mental health day" from work I would often choose to take a rainy day off. I used to love the rain, it really blended with my mood. But I was not manic depressive. I have seen what manic depression looks like first hand and I was never that extreme and I always had a grip on reality. But I was a sad guy.

The way I worked out of it was through a lot of "self therapy". That is a discussion for another time because it would take a while to explain. But I think I finally left the last dregs of the depression behind when I was about 55, although the biggest parts of it were dismantled when I was about, maybe, 35-ish. It was a wonderful experience to leave that all behind, let me tell you!

Jim, I am glad you have managed to stabilize your depression. Mine was probably not as bad as yours, or at least I was not suicidal except that one period in my twenties (and as a kid I thought about it periodically). Best, Hank

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Replies to "@jimhd So if they say the optimum way to treat depression is a combo of drugs..."

@jesfactsmon I am in way too much pain right now to write much, but Hank, I am so glad you managed to work your way out of depression. You really had a long, painful journey, and now live your life to help so many. I love you, sweet man. Feel well. Gotta go. Feet are a mess. Lori Renee


I started a note last night, but had to stop for some reason, and didn't get back until now.

But I think I'll go to a different, more appropriate group, because it doesn't relate to neuropathy medication. I'm not sure where, but somewhere in the mental health group. I don't mind if everyone in this group reads it, but it's moving pretty far from the reason for this conversation.


@jesfactsmon The first psychiatrist I saw gave me the overall label of Major Depressive Disorder, as well as Depressive Bipolar and Atypical Depression. My highs would probably be classified as mild depression by normal people. The two are quite similar.

I've been rating my days on a scale of 1 to 10 at the recommendation of the staff where I self-admitted during my actively suicidal period, 10 being the best day of my life. 4 is preparing to die, I'm not sure how to label 1-3, 5 suicide is somewhat intrusive, 6 it's at the back of my mind, a good day.

I was at 4 for 7 or 8 years, and finally got up to 5 some time after 2010. I thought I'd never reach 6, but I did a few years ago, and I kind of migrate between 5 and 6 now. It's been 5 for a month. My therapist and I have conversations about it, but we don't think I'm at the level where I'm not safe, but I sure do think about it a lot. Life gets too complicated and then overwhelming. I've concluded that 6 is my new 9.

I wrote a rather lengthy message in the depression and anxiety group, responding to a person's recent post, Is depression permanent? I almost always seem to require a lot of sentences to express my thoughts. I should have been asleep long ago because I have to take the car to the shop - again - as early as I can.
