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CA-125 Results Went Up: Should I be concerned?

Gynecologic Cancers | Last Active: Jun 4, 2023 | Replies (48)

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Hi. Just noticed your latest text and want to report on my situation. After my very gradual escalation (1.5 yrs after the end of chemo) of bothCA125 and HE4,s, after chemo, surgeries,etc.

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Ooops! Sorry!
My ct scan showed no malnormalcy, even with the rising cancer markers. A local neurologist suggested an MRI, which showed a cancerous mass indicating my ovarian cancer had expanded to my brain, lower Cellebellium. Surgery immediately followed and a majority of the mass was removed. Another MRI indicated a shrinkage of the mass and both cancer markers,CA125 and HE4,s were now in the average range.
What alerted me to the rising cancer markers was my Mayo oncologist who had previously
said, “If you see a rise in either of these, no matter how small and if there is a steady rise 3-4 times, look for a reoccurrence of the cancer” .
I have since had many MRIs, Pt/Ct scans, plus numerous other tests. I will begin radiation next week to take of the slivers of cancer that were left behind , as my doctor was concerned about cutting into my brain and causing more problems.