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@doorman Here is what Mayo Clinic has to say about social phobia https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/social-anxiety-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353561

I have taken Celexa, an SSRI before, and in fact am currently on it since mid-July. Fortunately I do not work with some of the more common side effects of sleep issues and weight gain, for which I am very grateful! As we often say, everyone is different, and the ways we react/respond to medications can be so individual, because we are each an individual! In my experience, taking Celexa does not exacerbate my SAD [social anxiety disorder] or GAD [generalized anxiety disorder] symptoms. And yes, there is formal diagnosis.

Would you tell us about what you have experienced, and tried, that has been successful in achieving what you want to do? I am always interested to know what paths people meander while reaching for assistance.

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Replies to "@doorman Here is what Mayo Clinic has to say about social phobia https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/social-anxiety-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353561 I have taken..."

I suppose it’s true that we all react to these psychiatric meds on an individual basis. For instance, I tried 5 different ssri’s, none of which worked. In fact, it’s a well known side effect of these meds that they can INCREASE anxiety at first. After taking Zoloft for 6 weeks, my anxiety was so bad I had myself put on a 72 hr. hold in a hospital. A horrible experience. As of today, I am on Mirtazapine, which is mildly sedating and helps me sleep at night. As well as the occasional benzo. I’ve still not found the right drug for me.....perhaps I never will. I’m glad you get some relief from your Celexa. These meds are a mixed bag.....a very mixed bag. P.S.......I’ve been diagnosed ADD, GAD, and some depression.