← Return to Uncontrolled diarrhea after gallbladder removal surgery: Any advice?

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@ken82 - You are correct. We should take notes on information found here referring to your condition and then discuss it with your doctor.
Doctors are different-
One type may hide ignorance by denying anything is wrong with you and even recommend therapy for anxiety.
Another type will admit that they are not really up on what you ask and leave it at that or prescribe something different.
My type of doctor reviews your records to see what findings there are already, if tests have not been ordered and what specialists have reported. This doctor will also admit he/she does not know enough, but will make phone calls or similar with experts to get a better picture of the illness and possibly then refer out as well as schedule follow up so patient doesn’t get lost in the system.

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Replies to "@ken82 - You are correct. We should take notes on information found here referring to your..."

I usually educate myself before I go to the doctor. I even bring articles and the research I have done. I had stomach problems with typical symptoms of gallbladder disease for years but because the doctors would not be able to find stones or any other cause, I was diagnosed with IBS. Last year I was talking with a friend and she said to ask the doctor for a Hida test. After they did this test, the doctor found that my gallbladder was working at 13% of normal. Do not ever hesitate to do your own research and advocate for yourself. In fact, when the doctor was going to do the endoscopy I asked him to test for H.pylori and Barret's esophagus. He told my husband I come very well prepared for the medical visits:)