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And yes Merry, I probably spend an inordinate amount of time trying to stay fit and healthy. For exercise, in addition to going at sort of an Energizer Bunny pace in daily activities, I walk daily and with my wife, do a relatively light weight routine 3 x weekly. I do all the food prep at our place preparing low-fat (i.e., no added cooking oils, no fried foods) 100% plant-based with only an occasional processed item like a Boca Burger, et. al.

I weigh less than I'd like to (120 lb's.) but can't seem to gain despite hosing down a daily Orgain pea protein chocolate shake plus eating high fat plant foods like avocado, olives and sinful dark chocolate bars. I think I posted my numbers earlier but in case not: Total cholesterol: 166, LDL 82, HDL 74,Trigs 52

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Replies to "And yes Merry, I probably spend an inordinate amount of time trying to stay fit and..."

Thumperguy--You've got a great exercise routine! And an HDL of 74 and TGs 52; it doesn't get any better than that!

@thumperguy- I drink that too. I'm 5'1" and you way more than I do. Not by much though. lol. What does your doctor say about your low weight?