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Follow up, I took Zita for 7 days. On Day 5 my hips and lower back began to ache. Next they got stiff and didn't want to function. I stopped it. Last Cholesterol lowering medication I'm trying. I had tried Crestor before and had the same kind of outcome but in my neck and shoulders. So it's Oatmeal and Celery for me. Had a metabolic panel done yesterday. We'll see what the numbers are later.

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Replies to "Follow up, I took Zita for 7 days. On Day 5 my hips and lower back..."

@grandmajan- This surprises me because Zita works in the stomach. Perhaps something else might be going on? I feel some achiness with Crestor but I also have some arthritis.

Most of the side effects of Zita happen in your digestive system.


Do you have any of these symptoms too?