@fiesty76, wish I sisn't have to put "like"for your post because it sounds as if there's no rapport between you and your neph and this peeves me.
I'm not as nice as you are, I would've run (ok, LOL, rolled in my wheelchair) out of that lab so fast their heads would've swum. And would've gotten out of neph ofc ASAP because of my Irish and Cherokee temper - bad combo.
Not everyone looks at things the way I do but to my mind, my neph works for me, not the other way around. I (or insurance) pay her to take care of me at standard of care or better.
This is the third time this doc has seen you, plenty of contact for her to "get acquainted" with you. My neph was very reserved with me at first, I guess she wasn't prepared to treat another medical professional, now I have her laughing out loud. I was on the verge of asking for another neph when we broke the ice.
This isn't advice, just my experience.
As a patient you have every right to know everything possible about your condition and the disease process and certainly every right for medical professionals to protect you from COVID.
I'm not telling you what to do here, just what I would do, and that's call pcp immediately and ask for a referral to a different neph.
OK, I'll hush up now. Good luck, my friend! Keep us posted. And congrats on the GFR!
@kamamamma, Thank you for your response. I just assume the "like" button is that someone is acknowledging a post so appreciate your response. I had some concerns from the get go with this nephrologist because she offered so little information from the start but needed those lab values.
I also have a dose of Irish but usually it is reserved for "injustices to others" and while I'm not sure of any direct Indian dna figure I have a bit of "everything". Do know for sure that both a former (not illustrious U.S. President and also the last person hung in the Tower of London were of my direct lineage...with a lot of who knows what else tossed in? lol
I didn't go with a list of 57 prepared questions and absolutely Know that you aren't attempting advice but appreciate what you wrote. I did want to know some basic information. In retrospect, I wish I had called the local health dept to report the actions at the lab. I still can and may give them the date and time of that appointment.
What I have learned about better managing my CKD has come from Mayo, this Connect forum and other highly trusted kidney sites. I am celebrating my gfr and bun values but the report did address my diabetes, which said wasn't reported, and high levels of protein from the creatitine urine tests. I can work on those but not because of the specialist's input.
Changing docs is not easy for me but a change from one cardiologist to another made a wonderful difference with two new dianoses i wouldn't have received from the one i'd been seeing for a long time. Sometimes, a change needs to be made and I appreciate your support. Hugs to you and all others who are working to improve and maintain the best kidney function we can!