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Senior Assistance PN

Neuropathy | Last Active: Aug 21, 2020 | Replies (29)

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@rwinney I agree, Barry is quite inspiring, I am learning some new things thanks to you @user_che214927 Barry! But you, Rachel, are a marvel! My mind is boggled by your descriptions of your exploits, getting around and just doing normal stuff. What a great spirit you possess! (You two are making me wear out my ! button.)

Boy, this typing/mousing with the opposite hand is crazy but SO interesting. I guess if I start getting too good at this with my non dominant hand the next thing will be starting to use my feet. I remember a person at a carnival I went to as a kid who had no arms and he did everything with his feet and mouth. He just trained himself to do it, so really there is almost no limit what a person can achieve merely by trying and applying him or her self. Have a great day! Hank

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Replies to "@rwinney I agree, Barry is quite inspiring, I am learning some new things thanks to you..."

@jesfactsmon Thank you Hank! You've been an inspiration to me too. The way you care, research, help, respond. It's definitely a journey and not always easy. So true about the carnival person. That is what I call, a fighting spirit!
Best wishes to you and Linda. Here are some flowers for her (in case you never got them 😉).
Be well,