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Hi Sunflower. The person you ned to consult, is the best Neurologist you can find, after much research, including the great team at Mayo. Apart from the nerve test, which is generally completed first, to actually diagnose your condition. You will then will be requested to have a large numer of blood tests, in my case 27 tests, and a number of fMRI brain scans, where a coloured dye is added to your blood, for more accurate pictures of your brain. In my case it was hoped I may have been deficient in vitamin B12, which is often the cause of numbness in legs. The fMRI scans were to establish if brain surgery could be a possibility. The final diagnosis was that I definately had Peripheral-neuropathy, and that B12 was excellent , brain surgery, no options. We then discussed Neuroplasticity. He agreed that it is a possibility, BUT, will require disciplined new neuron buiding exercises, In other word IT IS possible to reverse my current condition.

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Replies to "Hi Sunflower. The person you ned to consult, is the best Neurologist you can find, after..."

Hello Barry. I have been diagnosed by 2 neurologists (SFPN) and several Rheumatologists over the years (mixed connective tissue Dz/Fibromyalgia/collagen vascular Dz/etc.) Strangely, my SFPN is pretty much head to toe and, even more strange, along with the painful skin burn/sting, is numbness almost everywhere! I think I likely said that I can't feel wetness, even when in a swim pool! I can however, feel temperature and pressure. All my specialists and medical providers tell me I 'm a complicated patient. I reply, "hey, you're interfering with my denial!" with a smile. I really wish they all would quit saying that. My Rheumatologist said it last week. It's amazing how much self-care is required each day! Friends and family don't understand. I have been advised to ask them to adjust their expectations. It's complicated. They don't see it bc I'm always smiling and positive. Think I will add some of the last of this message to the Living With Neuropathy subject in hopes it will help someone. I have the best, most supportive husband. I am so blessed! Warm regards, Sunnyflower