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Hi Rachel, not sure if you are on your trip to the cabin already but I was wondering about your mention of using heated seats for you back/legs in the car. Does the heat help the pain? Is it therapeutic as well, i.e. does it improve the back/leg issues as also? Or does it simply help you to keep your muscles warm and therefore more comfortable? Might seem like a dumb question but I found your mention of it interesting to me.

If you ARE on your trip I hope you are having a great time! Best, Hank

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Replies to "Hi Rachel, not sure if you are on your trip to the cabin already but I..."

@jesfactsmon My trip is next weekend Hank. For me, heat settles the pain temporarily. Probably by warming the muscles and keeping them from tightening due to defective nerve function around them. I find heat to be my savior most days. My calves, thighs and knees suffer from terrible aching, burning and muscle pain so I wrap my legs a lot. My back and hips experience the same, plus tightening and spasm, and heat is a great help. It's used each week by my PT before he performs myofacial release therapy.